For some businesses faxing is more important than ever.
In a digital world where smartwatches, 4K live streaming and virtual meetings are becoming commonplace, the idea of faxing your business’s documents seems more than dated – it seems antiquated. The Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC has even made a point to include fax machines as an exhibit.
While fax machines have certainly earned their place in business technology history, faxing as a file-sharing process shouldn’t be written off as an extinct practice just yet. In fact, for many industries, faxing is more important than ever. Research shows that about 17 billion faxes are sent on an annual basis by organizations and individuals worldwide.
Wondering why? Partly out of fear of cyber crime and partly because of document authenticity, many highly regulated industries, such as legal firms, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, government bodies, etc., only accept hard copies of legal documents. Even so, there are 21st-century solutions to the demands and costs of this old business technology.
Get the right Fax Solution for your practice or business.
Machine-less Faxing is Possible
You’d be forgiven for thinking that in order to send a fax, you need a fax machine. But faxing has evolved since its inception in the mid-1900s. Technology has evolved such that files can now be sent almost as if they were an email attachment, and they arrive the same way. Digital Agent: Inbox is the perfect method to receive Faxes in your inbox. Combined with the ability to send Faxes from your desktop, Digital Agent: Complete User is the full desk solution to sending and receiving Faxes without a physical Fax Machine.
What about the industries that require un-manipulable, secure signatures and date and time stamps? In legal applications, timestamps and dates can be very important, as they may provide evidence in cases or disagreements as to when documentation was sent and acquired. Simply attaching a document to an email doesn’t offer the same confirmation. DataFax: Complete User offers an accurate method of supplying the date and time of document transmission AND allows you to edit digital documents to include genuine signatures through the use of touchscreens or e-signature technology, providing as much verifiable authenticity as traditional fax. Digital Agent’s solution is carefully designed to allow faxes to be sent easily without compromising on authenticity or security.
Major Cost Savings Available to Businesses with Fax Machines
If traditional faxing is still critical to your business despite the solutions described, Digital Agent has designed another new technology that can save your business money on this escalating expense.
Many businesses set up their fax machines years, maybe decades ago, and never bothered looking into changing a thing about them. What many people don’t know is that fax machines and broadband Internet connections used to be like oil and water. The old audio stream copper connections used by fax machines to transmit information simply did not convert reliably into the language of internet packets. Until recently, the only sure-fire solution available had been to buy the expensive copper lines for fax machines to connect to the world.
Digital Agent has been updating business’s expensive copper connections to cheaper, faster internet protocol since the new technology has become available through an ATA we’ve custom-built for maximum security called DataFax: Fax Machine. This new service is carefully designed to allow fax machines to reliably send faxes over internet connections.
How does DataFax: Fax Machine work, you ask? We simply install a small piece of hardware in-line to your fax machine that encrypts the fax into the language commonly used by computers. Digital Agent’s servers receive the document, convert it back to analog and send it directly to your recipient. It’s a blast to see our customers who still depend on fax save $650-$780 per year on this simple technology upgrade.
Digital Agent combines the latest technical innovations with old-fashioned service values. Modeled like a family-run business with a commitment to customer care, personalized service and attention to detail.
2300 Windy Ridge Pkwy Suite R-50
Atlanta GA 30339
(678) 444-3007